
February 19, 2012

Aku inget banget, boneka mungil ini mama yang beliin waktu aku masih kelas 2 SD.
Sampe sekarang Si Whipy -nama white bear ini- masih awet dan lucu (ʃ⌣ƪ)

February 19, 2012


January 31, 2012


January 31, 2012

311211 SWING

January 26, 2012

This picture is taken on 31 of December, 2011, at Taman Town Site Tanjung Enim.

When I was cleaning my room and wanted to throw the papers that is ought to throwed away, suddenly I thought of making a drawing, while I felt like I was just being creative at that time.
So I turned my laptop on and went to the folder containing our memories about last holiday.
After I found the appropriate picture, I started drawing in the paper that I wanted to throw before.
You can see the picture above. I started drawing it from the pole of swing, then continued with the ‘person’ – who is me.
Because of that, the size of the swing and person is not suitable.
And FYI, I’d like to draw untidy sketches. I don’t really know why. But it’s more fun for me.

Then, I shot the paper with my webcam, and I cropped it. I edited with Photoshop.
You can see the pole at the picture above?
It’s better than before, isn’t it? :p

And here it is. I colored it -with photoshop of course. If only you can find the mistake on that picture, especially about the pole, yeah it’s quite bad. I did it just for fun. So I’m sorry it’s not that good. And from I was child until now, I still couldn’t draw the hand and foot properly, moreover the face.

Malaysia. Singapore. Thailand. Aussie. Japan. Korea. Philippine.

Well, di gambar itu jelas ada kesalahan grammar:

It’s Simply A Dreams COME TRUE!!

But who cares lah ya… Yang jelas, gambar ini nunjukin beberapa negara yang pengen aku datengin. Nantinya, bakal ada country-card baru. Tapi aku belum tau negara mana yang bakal aku tambahin lebih dulu.

Aku pengen ke Inggris, USA, Mesir, Perancis, semuanya! Tapi untuk saat ini, cukuplah tujuh negara terdekat dulu yang aku masukin. Semoga kesampean bisa ke situ. aamiin.

Gambar background di country-cards ini aku dapet dari hasil browsing di Google. Ceritanya waktu itu temen aku, Nisah, lagi hobi banget ‘manas-manasin’ aku untuk backpacker-an ke luar negeri. Selama pelajaran di kampus hari itu aku abisin cuma untuk ‘ngayal’. Aku dari dulu pengen banget nyoba jalan-jalan malem di negeri orang. Yahh… bisa dibilang korban film, aku jadi pengen nyoba rasanya jalan malem kayak di film-film Korea, Jepang dan Western itu. Tau kan kalau kita jalan malem di Indonesia tu ‘aneh’ dan bahaya, beda dengan jam malem di luar negeri. Ok, aku mulai sok tau kayaknya, haha. Gak tau pemikiran aku ini bener atau salah.

Balik lagi ke cerita awal. Jadi sore itu, sepulang dari kuliah, aku langsung buka laptop, googling gambar-gambar famous place ketujuh negara itu, dan mulai ngegambar. Ide ini muncul gitu aja waktu Nisah ngajarin aku untuk nulis mimpi ataupun target kita itu di kertas. Dan selama perjalanan pulang dari kampus, aku mulai ngerencanain konsep penulisannya. Aku gak mau buat yang biasa-biasa aja, dan kebetulan waktu itu aku lagi sedikit rajin. Jadilah hasilnya kayak gambar di atas.

Aku buat di kertas notes warna-warni. Aku gambar sambil liat hasil browsing di laptop. Dan sore itu juga langsung aku tempel di tembok kamar.


January 21, 2012

They have their own dream. And try hard to make it real. What about me? I don’t have any even just a little. All I want is to make mom and dad happy. But I don’t know what to do. I can’t find any treasure in me. I don’t have any talent. Am I just like a parasit?

I just sit down in the chair nicely. Wait for the lecturer gives the lessons. Study. Try to reach A score… But I feel like I can’t implement it in the real life. Like I just a robot that ONLY can do the thing that is already programed in me. Pathetic.

This morning dad asked me what I have done in this long holiday. And I just said, “nothing”. I’d relized it some days before that my holiday is not productive at all. I just watch films, read novels, sleep, eat, and another useless things.

Deeply in my heart, I wanna make it useful. I wanna study this, this, and this. But I just… keep sitting in front of my laptop, watching these suck movies. Crap!

Jawaban Soal SIM

January 8, 2012

UAS SIM Melysa Rhuwayda 09101003063


Melysa Rhuwayda


SI A 2010

Mata Kuliah Sistem Informasi Manajemen

Nama Dosen: Paramasantati, M.Kom

Hello world!

January 7, 2012

Named Melysa Rhuwayda. Palembang, 30 of December, 1992.

Student of Sriwijaya University Inderalaya, Information System Major, class of 2010 A.

I live in Palembang. Therefore, if don’t want to come late to class, I have to get up early in the morning to ‘catch’ the bus.

My dad always tells me that to be a successful person, I need not only to be capable on what I’ve learned at class, but also on the entire things this occupation concerns about. Practice, practice, and practice. Not only come – sit – study – make a note – go home – do homeworks – get A score – etc. Practice, practice, and practice.

But sometimes, like the other teenagers, I do feel tired of this routine. Then if it comes so, I’ll be glad to spend my times with my friends. Karaoke, go to the cinema, have a culinary trip, or even just chit-chat with them.

You can see the picture above. Those are me and my friends. I with my black veil, Septi who is wearing pink veil, Dian who is standing between me and Septi, and Nadiah who is taking the picture.

It’s taken on last 31 of December, when we had a short holiday with about 2/3 of my class at Tanjung Enim before exam. That was very amazing! Fabulous trip, gorgeous time, and marvelous holiday ever!